Micro Market Report 2020 – 2023
Douglas Elliman, Market Reports, Corporate Collateral, Data Analysis
After Douglas Elliman launched its long overdue rebrand in March of 2023, the Micro Market Report was redesigned from the ground up. The overall aesthetic was shifted into a more luxury-driven tone, with the use of textures to differentiate each month. Interior pages were updated with brand-specific typography and data sets were edited for clarity, eschewing data points that were thought unnecessary or confusing to both client and agent.
Additional assets were created to help agents use and promote this important collateral. Social media images for Post and Story purposes were produced for each month’s publication, matching the report’s specific texture. The graphics can be distributed to the agent’s social accounts or sent by email to their mailing lists to garner touch-points with potential, on-going, and prior clients.
The Micro Market Report is produced monthly from an extensive data set which is provided as a spreadsheet. It covers over 200 (and growing) neighborhoods and cities throughout six counties in California. Since its inception for Douglas Elliman California, the concept has been adapted by other regions and offices for Douglas Elliman across the nation.
Dimensions: PDF, final trim is 21.59 cm x 27.94 cm (8.5″ x 11″)
Distribution and Intent: digital distribution, intended for screen, can be printed as needed.

Each month’s Micro Market Report featured a unique texture highlight, following Douglas Elliman’s brand use of texture. The texture for each month was chosen based on the month’s ‘mood’–either affected by market conditions or season and climate.
A PDF example of the Micro Market Report with the updated design iteration that existed from March 2020 through August 2023.